Rental Heat Map
The lead time for which a property books is in indication of the demand on that property. Certain areas of Keystone have a tendency to book further in advance than other areas. Some sizes and types of properties have this tendency as well. For example a 5 bedroom private home near River Run almost always books before a studio condo does. The same concept holds true for a townhome in East Keystone vs West Keystone. However, there are unique circumstances where this is not always the case when properties manage to significantly differentiate themselves from others. A rental heat map mainly focus on the most searched and sought after properties. the major factor that is left out revolves around updates and upgrades to a property. There are many very nice properties within the “cooler” areas of the map below that are exceptions to the rule. In general, the searches for properties in terms of demand are very close to what the heat map shows below.
Keystone Rental Demand Heatmap

This is one of the most useful tools you will use in your search for a new property. It is a simple heat map of the rental demand Keystone. We have compiled this map from our rental statistics based on the lead time for which people rent the property for a given season. This map DOES NOT visually show how well a rental property performs. It does show which areas have the higher demand and book out earlier than others. The boundaries are not exact and this is just meant to be a visual representation of demand.Some properties might be located in a lower demand area, but are high-end, such as private homes. Therefore, to better understand rentals give us a call and we will be happy to walk you through how particular areas perform. Keep in mind that there are many properties out there that might be incredible investments, but not in a high demand area, the two do not go hand in hand.
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