Posted on 9/1/2011 by Alyssa Hubbard

SummitCove Owner Services Update

Homeowners in Summit County should be aware that the County has signed on with a private company to begin seeking short-term rental properties not properly registered or paying lodging taxes within the community.  SummitCove managed properties are automatically registered and SummitCove Property Management takes care of the tax payments for these items.  We are committed to providing excellent service for our homeowners, and this is just another way that we make the process easier for our owners!

Compliance LLC, a private third-party vendor recommended by the Colorado Association of Ski Towns (CAST) was contracted by the county in early August to help identify properties booking rooms under the radar so the county can follow up to ensure they are properly registered and paying taxes.  These will primarily be tracked by monitoring listings on sites such as and

To learn more about this story, click here.  If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at 877.250.7750.



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