Posted on 8/26/2012 by Alyssa Hubbard
Cabin in the Pines Tree Spraying
On August 24th trees surrounding the Cabin in the Pines Townhomes in Keystone were sprayed and residents were warned to stay inside during the spraying, not to park under the trees, let children play in the treated area for 24 hours and to close all doors and windows. As the pine beetle infestation continues to dominate Summit County and surrounding areas, preventative spraying is becoming more and more common. Once a tree has pine beetles, there is no way to effectively stop them. Pheromones and fertilization are used to combat the beetle infestations on trees but have been less effective. USDA scientists have projected that by 2012, any community in the front range of Colorado with pine trees will be affected and should consider spraying trees prior to beetle flight in July.