Posted on 5/12/2015 by Alyssa Schnarsky

Introducing FlightCar - Free Parking and a Little Extra Cash

As flights and begin to charge more for "extra" items like luggage and the cost of printing your ticket, we're always looking for ways to save on travel. A new car-sharing trend may be your ticket to an inexpensive rental, free parking and sometimes a little extra cash.

FlightCar is a new car rental program available at 14 different major airports around the country. This service rents out personally owned vehicles to qualified renters at a much less expensive rate than one will find at a traditional car rental service. In return the vehicle owners, travelers who drop their car off while they are away, are given free parking, a free car wash and cash if the vehicle does get rented out.

Free parking can save you over $15 per day and if your car is rented, you will be paid between $0.05 and $0.10 per mile that the car is driven, more if it is driven over 75 miles per day. And before you step in your car to drive home from the airport, your vehicle will receive a thorough car wash and detailing service. Renters are screened and must have a good driving record prior to renting a vehicle from FlightCar. Further, each vehicle is covered by a $1,000,000 insurance policy.

If you are looking to park or rent, you may want to look into this new transportation option. If you are looking for ways to save on parking while you travel for a summer vacation in Keystone, Colorado, FlightCar might be a good option for you! Or, if you are looking for an inexpensive 'rental' car when you arrive in Denver, this may be a good option as well. Travel in peace, knowing your vehicle is not only safe, but also making you some extra cash while you are away!

 Written By: Amy Drees

About The Author
Alyssa Schnarsky

Alyssa Schnarsky is the Marketing Director at SummitCove Vacation Lodging in Keystone and has worked in the vacation lodging industry for over 15 years. When she's not delivering exceptional content on all-things Keystone, you can find her hiking in the mountains, skiing the trees, enjoying a live concert, spending time with her tuxedo cat or planning her next adventure.

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