Posted on 2/10/2020 by Alyssa Schnarsky

Namaste Bodywork Provided The Perfect Relief During My Ski Vacation

I don't fall often but when I do, I fall hard!  I was skiing super fast and caught an edge and down I went, total yard sale!  I was in one piece but I knew I was going to be very sore. My friend, who lives in Keystone, recommended getting a massage from Melissa with Namaste Bodywork.  He has gone to Melissa several times and he said, "she is hands down the best massage therapist in Summit County!"   I called Melissa that day and she had an appointment for me the next morning.  When I woke up my back and neck were incredibly sore and I was relieved I was seeing Melissa.  By the time I got to Namaste Bodyworks I had limited mobility in my neck. Melissa noticed that right away.  She chatted with me to understand the rest of my aches and pains and then she got to work. She had a hot pack on my back that I loved!  I tend to get chilled and I was able to relax my muscles more because I was warm. Melissa did a fantastic job working on my sore neck and back.  She uses the right amount of pressure depending on the muscle. Within a few minutes my neck was feeling looser and the pressure in my head started to release.  Melissa worked on me for an hour and she used many different techniques. She applied trigger point therapy on my neck and back to release the knots and she also did myofascial release therapy, which felt like an intense stretch that is gentle at the same time.     When she was done I felt like I was floating.  I was so relaxed and the pain in my neck and back were gone. I had mobility in my neck again.  I was shocked at the relief I felt from the work Melissa had done on me! My friend was right, she is the best massage therapist!  I felt so good that I grabbed my skis and made a few runs that same day! Melissa is the 'real deal' and very intuitive in her work.  I hope I don't fall again but regardless, I will definitely be returning to her for another massage.  

About The Author
Alyssa Schnarsky

Alyssa Schnarsky is the Marketing Director at SummitCove Vacation Lodging in Keystone and has worked in the vacation lodging industry for over 15 years. When she's not delivering exceptional content on all-things Keystone, you can find her hiking in the mountains, skiing the trees, enjoying a live concert, spending time with her tuxedo cat or planning her next adventure.

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